First Step

A program to prompt you to define your important life and wealth goals. For those who want a better foundation in life and want the support to start seeing the benefits. Ready, set, go.

  • First step Goal Session
  • Money Management Worksheet
  • Financial Road Map
  • Personal Risk Assessment
  • Plan Presentation and Q &A Session
  • Success follow­-up call


If you are faced with a major financial transition, be it marriage, baby, divorce, and death of a loved one, this program will work through the details and determine the best course of action. Focus and aim.

  • Discovery Session
  • Financial Impact Assessment
  • Test potential courses of Action
  • Customized Solutions Set     
  • Presentation and Q & A Session
  • Two Follow-up Calls


When you want to move beyond the status quo, this program will prompt you to breakthrough and make the changes to improve. Identify money scripts and change habits that hold you back. Includes personal sessions to ensure you develop winning ways. Make the move to the next level.

  • Personal Life Design Session
  • Customized Financial Road Map
  • Personal Action Plan to support goals
  • One to One Presentation and Discussion
  • Four Follow-up Sessions
  • Quarterly Status calls       


You can be heading in the right direction but the progress is not at the pace you would like. This program will pinpoint what is slowing you down and identify steps to improve your pace. Determine if your existing cash flow and investments are supporting your long-term objectives. Build your momentum with a Financial Road Map

  • Wealth Objectives Session
  • Money Management Worksheet
  • Risk Management Assessment
  • Asset Review and Allocation Guidance
  • Customized Financial Road Map
  • Personal Action Plan with Benchmarks
  • Quarterly Status check-in calls
  • Two Benchmark Review Sessions


Designed for entrepreneurs and small business owners to align their business and life goals. The prograa goes through a review of financial viability and targets areas that can undermine progress. Measurable outcomes are set to direct your success.

  • Business Assessment & Objectives Session
  • Liquidity and Product Profitability Review
  • Inventory and Cash Management Assessment
  • Capital Structure and Needs Analysis
  • Enterprise Risk Assessment
  • Business Benchmarks Strategy Session
  • Plan Presentation and Discussion
  • Bi-Monthly benchmarking calls
  • Quarterly Review Meetings


When you are focused on creating a legacy and transferring your wealth this program will identify the appropriate courses of action. Design a plan to protect your wealth and to maximize your life goals. Be it through Wills, Trusts, LLCs, or Foundations, our advisor will work with you and legal or tax advisors.

  • Legacy Discovery Session
  • Financial Impact Assessment
  • Model potential courses of action
  • Customized Solutions Plan   
  • Plan Presentation and Discussions
  • Two Implementation Follow-up Sessions

Financial Fitness

For ongoing monitoring of your financial well-being with regular reviews and updates, this program will ensure your financial health. As your life-progresses, things happen that will impact your financial road-map. With the Financial Fitness Program, stay on-track and identify road blocks before problems arise.

  • Quarterly Road Map Reviews
  • Semi-Annual Strategy Sessions        
  • Annual Plan Updates

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